answer seems easy but it 's not.   For those that like dividends , it ' s an ok stock buy many forget dividends are taxable.

    does  Whitecap market maker can be trusted ?  the answer is no.  
 The main holder of shares is a fund located in U.S.A.     and for that reason the market maker can easily make share go steadily go down no matter what ,making shares not a good investment for most small investors.
  Are Whitecap shares will go higher?   we cannot predict the future of the market but we think those shares have reach the top and will not go higher.

  So should you buy Whitecap shares?  We think not.
  Their is many companies outhere where the market maker will react positively to higher indices  and higher crude oil price making it  better stocks .

   What we always suggest at our firm is choose a stock you can trust and will react to market, not to hedge funds will.   After all if hedge funds want to short a stock. they will and the stock will devaluate fast and go low.   That is the ennemy of retail investors..  Not all stocks are like Whitecap and  get devaluated by the market maker because hedge funds dictate him to let them do so.

    Our clients have a list of stocks they can trust and are very satisfied.

  So   the answer is no.   You should noy buy Whitecap stocks.

  Ian Barter         always there for the small investors.