I look forward to hearing pfm1998 at the AGM tell us how to run WDO. See you soon...

I don't see materially higher metal prices for very, very long time. I'm curious to see their 43-101 update. More and more, I see Wesdome as dead money for at least a year end then some!

Resolute selling (an excuse), bitcoin (an excuse), cannabis (an excuse). If Kiena does not materialize into new large reserves then Wesdome going nowhere! Existing producing mines and production increase already reflected in the Wesdome share price. Company are extremely poor communicators! Gold price now will be the new excuse!

Wesdome not even on TD's gold producer list... joke!

I am withholding my vote for Uloth and possible a couple of others!

Kirkland Lake! Now that’s a management team and Board!
Wonder what St. Andrews would have been if wasn’t sold to Kirkland Lake! Flat liner!?

Will close down today ... mark my words...
One more month until AGM... nothing will happen most likely, but by then or thereafter will likely sell the rest. Suspect will move up because mgmt. will issue some PR leading up to AGM to appease shareholders. Typical pre AGM move.

Wesdome book value = $1.78
Company appears to have gone nowhere for decades! Under Uloth and his continued involvement this Company has gone nowhere. Only Kiena will impact stock price higher IMO. Everything else they are doing will have no traction on share price. Risk relatively low given value for Kiena in share price is a big fat ZERO! How long will it take? Is Kiena any good?

Level 2 details show...
Virtually all bids and ask showing up today... total control of stock! Management extremely poor at conveying message or just don't care! There can't be much in decision making going on at the Head Office since key decision on what to do have taken place from an operational basis. They could at least make an effort on getting an IR/IP awareness program in place but they don't appear to have the experience to do that or just don't want to

Trading today fixed at $1.88

Just pinned there and little movement either way. Wesdome shareholders I suspect will see a fraction of the value due to accumulation and low ball offer at some point because stock is controlled! I'm waiting for AGM and will decide then what to do with the rest of my shares.

Withhold vote for Mr. Uloth possibly others!
Ulith a director since 1999 with nothing to show. Go look at the stock chart performance since his tenure. Had mines in place since back then and basically wasted time and money. Starting to question more and more the rest of management. Waiting to see at AGM

Gold about to hit a 12 handle!
Wesdome executives now looking more and more like gov't bureaucrats looking to buy their time and pensions at the expense of all stakeholders!

There is no IR/PR program IMO. Maybe that's by design to stay under the radar, maybe it's being forced down due to ongoing selling by Resolute or even large miner that wants to accumulate and be opportunistic at some point. Very frustrating!

Getting real tired of lack of attention Wesdome is getting..
... poor IR program IMO. Just seems to be dead money and going nowhere fast.