Company to nothing with more shares for shareholders , you just keep buying all the way down to 0.00, tell us all how Tetra Bio Pharma will ever crawl out of the massive debt to to tune of $140,000,000 ,company is not worth 10,000,000 , payments coming due and loans at 15 % , brainless cheer leader , why are you averaging down if you made all this profit off the shares you bought at .13 cents earlier this year pumper ? over 430,000,000 Tetra shares outstanding bonehead .
Patience that has been the message since 2018 as well as revenue any day now after all the deadend deals Guy would tell shareholders that he expected revenue in the next year after giving inflated shares away for cash and false promises so he can pay himself $500,000 a year for no results , no product and no revenue any time soon.Reduvo will not save Tetra  from Bankruptsy and Qixleef is light years away and needs $500,000,000 for Qixleef to become anything .You still have not shared any information as to how Tetra will dig its way out of 140,000,000 deficit and loans that have been deferred at 15 % , PLEASE DO TELL ALL OF US HOW  TETRA WILL SURVIVE THIS MASSIVE DEBT ?
Patience what a joke  ! Where have you been for the last 5 years ? You need to catch up on your reading if you can .