The Volker rule has been softened to let banks play speculator again . Hooray for banks!!! Masters of price discovery ! 

Some intriguing hallmarks of bank suppression here in this complex - saving the ridiculous price squeeze for the opportune moment when all the grunts have been margined out of their intellectually honest trade idea: 

gas is at 25 year lows in price today in nymex ! 25 year lows ?! Lowest since market deregulated . Astonishing given Chesapeake IS bankrupt , and production is not just falling - it is falling sharply , nay, it is dropping off a cliff , Wil-E Coyote style ! 

yet we are supposed to subscribe to the idea that this explanation is due to storage build rate as the entire complex collapses against all time highs in electricity demand ?   Hogwash 

complex is saving 100% of the rally for the last 5% of time . All these declines on supply tightening are posturing , ratcheting by the almighty banks imho for price spikes that will send utility buy desks reeling , reaching for the pepto