They will soon have a huge piece of the pie......My figures about 28%......Question is why increase another 50%  from the $6 million from yesterday, seems big institution are jumping hands over fist on this Quebec camp.......Something no doubt is working  in on the backburner........More hard dollars than flow-through.......Sprott also has HUGE position in V.MTO.......Not sure if this is a coincidence but MTO's holdings are next door....namely Barry property.......OSK...... has money just  pouring all over them lately as a matter fact  just yesterday....huge money......"IMHO"......Consolidation of properties seems to be in the works......Must logical outcome for this camp............BTR is up to something, i could be totally off base but the puzzle seems to start shaping up............PDAC soon.....Closing of this deal on March 2nd/17.............GLTA