June 30 MD&A posted on SEDAR June 30 assets stand at $49,726,000, approximately $3.00 per share
As at June 30, 2021 and the date of this MD&A, the Company controls 70% of PSC’s flagship Delta Greenhouse Complex (the “Delta Facility”). The Company’s investment in the Delta Greenhouse is widely considered to be one of the most technically advanced and environmentally-friendly greenhouse operations in the World, which boasts industry leading cultivation infrastructure including: Fully integrated on-site natural gas-powered power plant; o Providing ample heat and electricity, while repurposing carbon dioxide emissions to benefit the plants. Proprietary energy efficient air exchange to maintain stable climate conditions; Advanced climate and humidity control management infrastructure; Ebb and flow watering systems to enhance complete irrigation recapture and water treatment; 1.5-milliongallon hot water storage tank configured to store energy produced during the day, for redistribution during non-peak hours, thereby increasing operational efficiencies and reducing associated energy costs; Multistage supplemental lighting augmented by natural sunlight to foster an optimized illumination equilibrium; and, Proprietary ERP system to allow for efficient resource management and cost tracking. On February 28, 2020. PSC entered into an agreement to acquire a portfolio of elite live-plant cannabis genetics (the “Live-Plant Genetics”) from an award-winning Canadian cannabis cultivator with extensive experience in genetic development and commercialization for at-scale cannabis production. The acquisition of Live-Plant Genetics will accelerate PSC’s go to market strategy and utilized along with the Company’s Standard
Cultivation License.