Brief recap for anyone who cares: WEED MD, tickers WMD/WDDMF all IMO! Based on Months of DD.

  1. 107 million shares outstanding

  2. Market cap Canadian (222 Million ) extremely low compared to say TGODF and many other 2 tiers. IMO.

  3. 2 Facilities- 26k sq.ft. indoor and a 560k Hybrid Green house (110k sqft. licensed)

  4. No Dilution in well over a year. CEO is very frugal.

  5. Supply 20% of LPs with Genetics that are block strained.

  6. Top seller on the OCS. Product sells out in minutes. Also one of just few that sells on Shoppers Drug Mart!

  7. Strathroy Expansion complete and waiting on Health Canada expected 50K kilos per/year. Second half of 2019

  8. CEO says the year of the numbers, meaning PROFIT!

  9. Super low cash burn, the lowest I saw in the whole industry, last Q was like 1.5 million on 2 million in revs.

  10. Partners with VIDA, for CBD and THC bottled beverages.

  11. Partner with Pita Pit to Open stores across Canada

  12. Shipped Genetics to Israel and Australia.


Plus more, but that's a good start. Please correct if you see something incorrect with my DD> Thanks and GLTA