The devil is moving from New York to LA and he has his warehouse of evil deeds all set up in LA, but wants to give everything that is in his NY warehouse away. So he puts out an ad...."Anyone that wants to get something from the devils workshop, NO STRINGS ATTACHED, come down to the warehouse and pick something up."

So the next day, the doors open and people pour into the warehouse. It’s like black Friday, people kicking and screaming and grabbing whatever they can get their hands on.

One man walks into the workshop, and he seems very different than the others there. He avoids the people fighting for whatever they can get, and walks around the perimeter of the warehouse taking it all in. After a moment, he sees the devil walk by and says, "Mr. Devil! This is an amazing emporium of evil, nothing like I have ever seen before!" The devil says, “Thank you very much..." The man continues, "I know I can take anything from your warehouse that I want, but I don't want to be like those people over there," nodding to the group of people fighting at the entrance, "I want the most evil, dastardly thing that the devil has at his disposal. What is the one thing in here that even the devil can’t do without? That’s what I'm here for...."

The devil thinks for a moment, snaps his fingers and says, "Discouragement. It’s my favorite trick. If i can get someone discouraged…… everything else in here will work on them."

Don't get discouraged. It’s the first dent in the armor. It’s where self-doubt starts. It’s where clear thinking becomes muddied. If we can avoid discouragement, none of the other dominoes will fall.

Hope that works :)