The market as whole gains and benefits from the attraction brought to these juniors by the retail sector... as do the companies concerned as they are able to fund their exploration and drilling activities. Some will bet against this racehorse and go short  and some will bet on it. Someone with sector influence just bet 6 million without even a blink and fully subscribed that pp before the pr on Friday. We have the premiere nickel geologist in the world making comparisons to some of the world's greatest nickel finds. They are doing so publicly and are captured on video. A lot of reputation risk on the line and I am confident that they do not do so lightly. With hopes that we all prosper on whatever plays we hold in our portfolios. The antagonizing posts remain here albeit they are being fired back and forth.  Alot of nonproductive noise which takes away from the GGI story,  Unfortunately those same antics are drawing unwelcomed and negative attention to CEO.CA  as well.   Reputation risk is something we all have to contend with including Stockhouse and the CEO.CA website and its forums. I advocate balance, and therefore so must censorship be balanced. The perception of protectionism for the "old boys" may be a very human consideration where friendships and long standing relationships are involved, but there will always be new blood and with that talent and insight that ought not reasonably be so readily dismissed (IMO). And a point that should not be dismissed is that loose cannons can sink ships... I wouldn't want to be on a ship with all my friends and have that loose cannon right there beside me. Food for thought.

Developments for GGI continue through this weekend with the second hole.  The weather up there has been pristene and favorable to making good progress. This week "may" well be a very exciting one. With certainty the coming weeks will be filled with develpments that will make this play one to watch.  


Best wishes to everyone on their endeavors.