Teeoff said...

Are ~$130 per coin for ETH and ~$3,000-$3,500 per coin for BTC, for those who genuinely want to know, EOM."

Really? How did you come up with that? Cause you didn't. 

To be flat on Gross Margin based on last Q they had to cover:

$4,660,000 Operation and maintance
$5,140,000 Depreciation (and yes this does not affect cash but its still an expense in the long run of the rigs and thus a cap ex in X years as the rigs clearly will have to be replaced.)

So that is $9.8 million to be flat on Gross Margin. Lets say they mine 20,000 coins in the Q. That is what they did last Q. But no lets say they do 25,000 coins to be even ballistically optimistic which will not happen but lets just say. $9.8 mil / 25k Coins mined = $392. 

So even if they achieved a 25% increase in coins mined BE on Gross Margin would be $392 per ETH. 

Forget about the operational side.

But lets look at just BE on a cash basis....

$4,660,000 / 25000 = $186 ETH per coin required.

And with regards to your cashflow they are burning off the rigs at $5 mil per Q. Maybe it goes higher. They will need to be replaced. They know this. That would be why they want to renegotiate the poxy 2.4 mil loan for the land that is a waste now. 

I didn't want to do it for you lazy behind millenials who can't even use a calculator but there you go. BE analysis. 

But your share price is rising. My guess is to get to apoint for a financing. 

Teeoff you wanted to critize someone for accounting 101. Well there you go mr knowledgeable about accounting and I don't know anything about accounting 101. It did not take accounting 101 to figure out now did it.