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HPQ Silicon Inc V.HPQ

Alternate Symbol(s):  HPQFF

HPQ Silicon Inc. (HPQ) is a Canada-based technology company specializing in green engineering of silica and silicon-based materials. The Company is engaged in developing, with the support of technology partners PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (PyroGenesis) and Novacium SAS, new green processes to make the critical materials needed to reach net zero emissions. Its activities are centered around the three pillars: becoming a green low-cost (Capex and Opex) manufacturer of Fumed Silica using the Fumed Silica Reactor, a proprietary technology owned by HPQ being developed for HPQ by PyroGenesis; becoming a producer of silicon-based anode materials for battery applications with the assistance of Novacium SAS, and Novacium SAS is engaged in developing a low carbon, chemical base on demand and high-pressure autonomous hydrogen production system. The Company operates in a single operating segment, segment, being the sector of the transformation of quartz into silicon materials and derivative products.

TSXV:HPQ - Post by User

Comment by razinzuhairon Dec 15, 2021 9:14am
Post# 34232160


RE:RE:RE:hpqIf you ask Warren Buffet and he will tell you the same. Buy when others selling. Also buy when shorts like you trying to buy. I also bought yesterday few at 47. Today I bid at 42 cents. I am guessing it may dip more because of manipulation. I sell during tax loss all the stocks that has no growth potential. Why selling something that has potential to be a block buster. Good luck your effort to bring back down. I hope you and your big brother bring down further so that more can buy. Anyway I move you back to ignore list.
Gordinno wrote:
razinzuhair wrote: When a good stock is hammered down by manipulation the best thing to do is buy more instead of complaing. There is nothing bad about the company. The only reason it is down because big fish not have enough yet. Good luck
ZR22018 wrote:  premarket looks terrible is there bad news coming or are investors tired of waiting 

It is down as it is a bear market and tax loss whuch can equal disaster.You keep saying to buy but you have not done so yourself.Things will probably get better in the New Year,Many stiocks are taking a hit

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