I spoke with Mike Liggett on Tuesday morning. He informed me and others that took the time to contact him, that the pharmacokinetic results and other related news will be released sometime this week. The company has released news on Wednesdays in the past so I suspect a lot of investors thought it would be today as well, hence the solid trading yesterday.
I personally feel that releasing news on Friday is not the greatest idea so my guess would be tomorrow, Thursday. 
In no way am I management, I'm just an investor that took the time to call to get some information. It clearly states in the last news release that the results would be released in the weeks to come so this week is the week. 
No he didn't say anything about the results or news but speaking with him was like speaking to a 16 year old who just got their drivers licence, you could hear and feel the excitement.

Contact info which is public:

Mike Liggett
Chief Financial Officer
778 802-9806