Given the average machine count for Q3 was 1700

$2,540,548/1700/ 90 days = $16.60

Q4 is the second best performing quarter so these estimates are based on the worst quarter

$16.60 x 90 x 2500 = $3,735,000
   Bingo Sales               $527,068
Total revenue _______________
                                $4,262,068 US

Income from equity accounted investees $275,977 (aurora)
Bingo supplies (344,306)  - WANGO how come this figure is not $527,068 - it it pure profit ?
Operating expenses (1,350,625) WANGO - is this figure quarterly - or a yearly -if yr - divide by 4?
General and admin expenses (1,606,610) WANGO - same question yearly or divide by 4 ?
Amortization of intangible assets (227,384)

Earnings from operations $1,009,120

Financing costs (771,334) WANGO - already accounted for in last Q - right ? Why include now ?
Foreign exchange loss ARTIFICAL (504,594)  WANGO -  was this not a one time cost - already accounted for - upon Integrity purchase?  Can't be recurring  - right - or ?

Loss before tax (Actual gain of $237,786) but accounting purposes loss of ($266,808)

cannot express further that these estimates are based on numbers from the WORST quarter and if each machine were to make $2 more then the worst quarter we would see a earnings of $183,192. last year in Q4 pyd made $22 a machine that would make a gain of $1,083,192.
WANGO - I don't understand the $183,192 - figure - but the $22 per machine i agree with - that's what im hoping for  but i dont understand your gain of  $1,083,192 ? Would it not be far higher ?
-not to mention the legal fees and other non factored one time expenses.
-there is also the (cumulative translation differences attributable to owners of the company which was a gain of $499,782 - WANGO - I don't understand this ?

so factoring in the artifical loss $504,594   WANGO -  was this figure already accounted for q3?
the $22 per machine                      $1,083,192  - WANGO - is this depreciation figures ?
Cumulative translation                  $499,782

RIVERFOLK Q4 estimate            $2,087,568 WANGO - is this figure an earnings or a revenue ?
POSTED EARNING OF                 $1,582,974 US - If your figures are correct - not too conservative - what would be the EPS - based on this figure ?  Do i multiply this figure by 4 - then what is done with he shares - to arrive at the EPS ?  Sorry - to be so novice - i've forgotten how to get the EPS.... And my frigging calculator doesnt do hundred-  millions - grrr - lol

Given the PDS loans of 4.5 million PYD could have paid off old integrity loans and saved a percent or two. remember any loan integrity had above 12% each percent would save PYD 45,000 annual. Also PYD has stated that they wont announce machine placements in small quantities, so if 10 machines here and there are added we would only know at earnings season. 

do yourself a favor and look at the bottom of the page 31 of Q4 finances...............
look at the year 2018........................................
It is not that PYD isnt making money, in fact PYD is making alot of money, but in the first 2-3 years of the contract PYD is paying back all the financing. IN 2008 its all gone...... with the Q4 macy could easily seek a new debt financing deal and restructure on much better terms.