Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is the world's largest salt flat and unexploited lithium reserve
Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is the world's largest salt flat and unexploited lithium reserveGETTY IMAGES

The metals needed to power electric vehicles were in hot demand in 2017, but a leading observer of the market believes that prices are still only in the foothills of the peaks they may yet achieve.

Demand for lithium, cobalt and nickel for batteries surged on the back of rising expectations about the move towards electric vehicles and the adoption and viability of large-scale energy storage. The prices of lithium and cobalt have more than doubled in the past year.

Andrew Miller, an analyst at Benchmark Minerals, which collects price data for the lithium-ion battery supply chain, said: “There is a big trend in the energy storage market and we’re now starting to see the beginnings of these big megafactories we’ve talked about.”

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