If we had some sales numbers by year-end I was expecting a double to start. Make no mistake sales will be reported as distribution increases. Like one poster said were selling cannabis products not appliances. We only know to this point we have increasing sales in California with additional jurisdictions being added. NU has built it they will come. I would expect some sales reported in this period in the next financials with many updates before then.
I am looking beyond a double now for 2021 as each quarter sales and costs are being reported. Recreational cannabis (and alcohol) are going to be mainstays in these stay at home times. NU has a built production facility with confirmed distribution avenues. Most of the heavy lifting has been completed. I have not and will not sell a share until at least the full business in sales has been established. I expect a prosperous year ahead for shareholders albeit at a slower covid pace.
Have a prosperous New Year everyone and make sure if you’re Canadian to transfer shares to a TFSA to avoid capital gains taxes. Happy New Year everyone.