stronzo said:
"If I were a man and it's very rare that I agree with one aliass, but my other aliasses seem to be unanimous with me...I am neither better nor a man. I am a teenager in a fat, bald man's body. I hope Santa will bring me two synthetic albino toupees for Xmas, so that I can be rid of that sweaty wig that I've been sportin since the NOT Agm. Those toupees would ensure I have a white christmas. LMAO@myself. The other toupee is to live up to my reputation of having a fat HA. That toupee will ensure I am not lying about my HA to myself. eye sea."

"goobar, you really make me work hard here, and without you I would be very bored. I will be your stronzo forever since you don't bother to flush me away. Oh, I can't be flushed away. Outhouses have no running water. Darn!" eye sea.

maestronzo to the stars-roc"