and then set a price a price by which they can buy out their shareholders…. JP Morgan and the Fed would come up with the cash at a price much lower 
than the makett rate and then the SLV physical bullion would be used to bail out the bullion bank shorts on the comex… Bankers win … But it would 
all be done to preserve the financial system from a whack of speculators… that would be a laugh and a half…
and what would something like that do for the gold and silver price…. well the banker boys would have about 600 million ozs of silver to begin their
silver shorting scam all over again… provided they didn’t destroy the comex’s integrity all together.. their problem would be for a not all that many billions
of dollars a hungry horde of physical silver buyers could buy up 600 million ozs in the wink of an eye….
conspiracy theater from the conspiratorium
They noticed that SLV, the silver ETF, filed a new prospectus that included some startling language that was exceptionally frank. SLV has been in the spotlight because there have been growing doubts about how much silver it really owns, so the tweet fired up social media.
Here is what I believe to be the key new disclaimer:
SLV No Longer Needs To Track The Price Of Silver
In other words, the price of SLV is now whatever the managers want it to be. They are given a free pass to manipulate the price of SLV. They no longer need the ETF to track the silver price, and that is huge news.