Dear Pip
I am sorry it took so long to get back to you.  To answer your question, what make you think I did not buy Apple for 17.50 as soon as I hear Jobs was back.  Still hold it.  I was not so lucky on Amazon got in on it at 137.59.  The trick is to find very good stock and buy in and hold on for ever.  Forget this buy low and sell high nosense.  You a find cholk hold stocks.  Visa for credit coards, Costco for retail, and NYMT for real estate.

Serious Questions
1.  No, I do not if Ucore become the company that other companies come to for IP.
2.  Best guess, tomorrow to end of the year.
3.  We have to build the commerial scale demo plant for DOD and DOE first to get the money for SMC.
4.  MRT is the best, Rapid SX is second best is my guess.
5.  Get a loan off IBC earning.
6.  Because Ucore has not requested the money.  AIDEA is the bank in this and Ucore has to request the loan.
7.  The wheels of government grind ever so slowly but the wheels are getting more grease.  By end of year depending on commerieal scale demo plant.

Good night 
Grandkids own Ucore in there trust funds accounts