yep $5-10 / tonne and China is about 180 million of the 549 million tonne / year (32.7% of the entire market) . The beauty in the price is that it is comparable or better than what antibiotic costs are/were and it provide similar results without the negative draw backs of negating antibiotics as a future defence. Not sure what method Avivagen is using in its production on Beta Carotene. but there are a number of them. Microalgae under certain specific stresses can produce it at extreme rates .. over 30% as well specific fungi have been used to increase production and plants designed to have elevated levels. Thre cost of making B-Carotene into stable OxC-Beta likely isn't huge but it is patented and that makes it valuable just like drug companies that make a fortune after developing a needed drug. Direct costs of making the 5.00- 10.00 quantity ...likely .50 or less as it's made in bulk but I don't think they will give you the specifics but they might give a vague idea.