soh; Unblemished records are rare in E&P and the Lundins are no exception. AOI looks extremely well set but Shamaran has not been a good share. Chandler swapped out of WZR days before a very important major discovery NR by AOI. So, they acted with knowledge.

WZR's record is; S-1... major discovery but production failure, S-1 Jeribe... production ready, MQ-1... discovery, MQ-UB... failure, K-1... major discovery but failure, K-2... production mid-term, K-3... failure but may be recoverable. I agree with you on Talisman and the problems they have caused us but that cannt be laid at WZR's door. All you can ask is that an E&P selects a licence area with good potential, plans properly and hits the geological targets with few operational problems. We shall soon see with WZR on Garmian but their record is two major oil / gas / condensate fields out of three targeted. The one complete failure had minimal reserves. They have more contingent resources than AOI today and export production is now imminent no matter what happens to H-1 and B-1.