Info - MGAI am a Dines subscriber so I will not share any info from his IWB or reports, I would recommend his services for those who may be considering a membership. I will say that I have been in MGA since a $1.50 range when it was Maple and I have been adding along the way, and I managed to pick up some more on this last dip and I am very confident where we are heading, for those who are interested in doing some DD you can go to Canadian Insider and enter MGA and see that there have been option purchases at the $5 range and no selling! Another key to which UR company you should look at is ones that are dealing in land that has already had work or resource estimates done already but Ur prices from way back may have not been economical. Do some research and see what we are sitting on in Australia. There is a lot of start ups who are trying to catch the UR train and are seeing ridiculous valuations on land with no previous work or reserves, MGA is the real deal,JMHO and I can't wait to see where we are in the next short while.