RE: British Columbia Securities Commissionxxxx xxxxx:
Thank you for contacting us regarding Habanero Resources Inc. We will
consider the information you have brought to our attention.
BCSC staff investigate complaints to enforce compliance with the
legislation and to sanction market misconduct. We also refer
complaints to
other regulatory jurisdictions or self-regulatory bodies when
Not all complaints result in an investigation or a public sanction.
Staff cannot comment on investigation matters until it becomes a public
record. While this may seem frustrating, the purpose is to protect the
integrity of an investigation, to ensure that the complaint process is
used to affect the market, and to be fair to those who may be the
of a complaint where an investigation is not proceeded with.
We appreciate you bringing your concerns to our attention. You will be
contacted if further information is needed.
Enquiry Log: xxxxxx
British Columbia Securities Commission
PO Box 10142, Pacific Centre
701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1L2
604 899-6500 - Main switchboard
604 899-6854 - Inquiries or Complaints
1 800 373-6393 - Toll Free in BC and Alberta)
604 899-6506 - Fax