Evaporation continues...Ahh caulk ! Unlike GAI pps it never evaporates. My pigs were wondering what happens to relationships when one is convinced to buy @ .17+ just to facilitate the excercising of warrants and when the facilities are facilitated the pps immediately evaporates whereby quickly relieving the toutees of their facilties. I sure wouldn't want to be the touter who touted the toutee into toting some GAI in their tote bags. Said tussled toutee is likely to tote a ton of trouble and relieve the touter of a relationship be it business or otherwise. Of course there is always the chance that the toutee likes the number zero tattooed on hid forehead.
Back to work.
Fortunately I learned long ago never to be toutee to a touter looking to tout some trash. Learned that the hard way when my pigs touted some slop and I was the toutee that trusted said pigs. Should never listen to anybody who lives in a sty.