Tyner was meaningfulTyner seemed to establish the Palo Duro case, as the main unanswered questions based on over 40 years of study on file and available for purchase on line from UT was whether the basin was too immature for much gas formation and whether the gas would be trapped. The Pennsylvannian flows from Tyner's test wells are significant. Risking BNK's land position at a 25% hit rate and 10% recoveries of the lowest estimated recoverable in-place gas a la Morgan Stanley's report and using the 4-5 year out average production of comparable Barnett shall wells yields dramatic numbers, and that's before the Albanian field.
Based on that analysis and a review of the chart the conclusion seemed, IMHO, based on a long term perspective, that now is the time to accumulate BNK, before its well results, and as it sits above just some significant support.