RE: As for missed deadlines......I hope they announce that they have FedEx'ed it. None of this UPS crap. In any event, I no longer trust any of these BNC reps with their deadlines. One of the most blatant examples in August 2005 when poor old Option999 was reporting that he was told the following date:
December 2005 - completion of baboon studies and submission of E. coli vaccine package to both Health Canada and the USDA with subsequent approval by both agencies in early 2006.
We are clearly not meeting this schedule. Now I know that some will say this is just business in the biotech world and it is out of their control. Well I say - crap to that! Other biotechs keep a much better schedule. I actually remember seeing Graeme McRae on ROB-TV in 2001 and he was preaching how commercialization of the E.coli vaccine was likely within a year.
One of the worst things about these delays is that every year of additional testing and writing is a lost year of patent life. However, it also says a lot about BNC management's ability to see forward. Not good.
So, tomorrow if and when they use the phrase "submission is imminent" for either MCC or the E.coli vaccine, realize that they have said this many times before and apparently will have no shame about saying it again and missing another deadline that hurts all of us shareholders. On the other hand, if they do say both submissions have left the building, I think they should post the FedEx courier receipt on their website so we can believe them (and none of this UPS crap!).