CRD & UNBBrian,(aka prospector 24)
I would like to respond to a comment that you made yesterday on the UNB board:
“I believe this stock has traded well lately, not due to it's moly property, but rather it's recent staking beside CRD.”
There is a good case to be made for that, especially when you consider that UNB traded for 0.18 just before the market got wind of its staking next to CRD. If, in fact the lion’s share of that increase is attributable to its proximity to CRD, then that represents approximately $7 million of its $14 market capitalization.
Meanwhile, the TSX reports today that CRD has a market cap of $8.8 million, based on their calculation of 5.55 million shares outstanding.
Either there’s a little too much froth in the market’s evaluation of UNB’s next door claims, or CRD remains drastically undervalued. For its $8.8 million market cap CRD has the goods!! Can the same thing be said about UNB’s $7 million incremental valuation???