RE: Mattman6720?? I have never had any use for kaiser's rag when it comes to sgf,this low opinion of kaiser on the sgf board did not start with this court action.It has been an ongoing thing with him. In the last year or more even when he prints a positive article on the surface, there is always a dark undertone, he even points out one subscribes to my garbage(my words) and the other does not! how petty!! To make an investment decision based on his totally biased opinion is a mistake imo and you would be far better off to seek some other source for info when it comes to sgf.
I don't really believe you have any intention of investing in sgf, sounds more like a subtle bash then boy have I got a good one for you(aca), hmm thats also kaisers main love! could there be a connection?? Anyway if you think this stock is so bad, buzz off!! or take long walk on a short bridge or something like that.
I have used this downturn to pick up some more shares and will be holding long! This story has just begun! Hang on for the ride!
have a good one