RE: West Coast Meeting
A handful of us are pretty much in regular contact with Vincent, Pierre, Nicole and Kym Anthony. What frustrates me is the fact that the company hasnt done a good job at all of forecasting and then disseminating and promoting the answers to the questions that I pose and I think they are the fundamental value drivers.
I have tried desperately to convince them that a well formed, CONSERVATIVE plan with abundant information is the route to building shareholder trust. Instead, they have repeatedly been overoptimistic in almost every regard and have disappointed regularly.
The ultimate irony for me is this.... If you have a really good thing (like this company's fundamental enabling technology), and if you develop awareness and promote it conservatively with full disclosure, you will build trust and be helped through difficult and unforseen issues. You will also get recognition of the intrinsic value reflected in your share price.
If, on the other hand, you have the EXACT SAME GOOD THING in... and you overpromote it from the perspective of imminent deals and milestones and overoptimism.... and then you repeatedly dissapoint the market and shareholders... you will be punished... almost beyond any reason because people simply lose faith. The result is virtually no recognition of instrinsic value... despite the two situations fundamentals being virtually identical.
And while they have definitely made some modest progrss, this management group simply hasnt been able to fully grasp and execute this concept yet.