RE: No worries...Reccos,
"Kirk is right on the resource estimate coming up being bogus which leads me to conclude that PAT management are in clear abrogation of their responsibilities to their investors and are not actively engaged in creating shareholder value with full and proper disclosure of the resources they know exists and they can readily measure."
Reccos was this comment tongue in cheek? Au contraire, Pat mgt is fit to be tied up, they are so frustrated with the share price. I don't know how you can say that they are in "clear abrogation of their responsibilities". I know that they are confident in the resources there but it is a quiet confidence insofar as they have a responsibility to be professional and NOT make 'VSE' braggart claims - when they don't have the ACTUAL updated resource calculations! I really don't want Richard passing out brochures at Bay and whatever street, and I don't want Gus putting up billboards down Yonge.
One could make an argument that they could have come to the Vancouver Resources show I suppose but I ass-u-me that they want more ammo before they do and they feel that saving the cash for drilling or deal making is a better use of shareholder funds. I have no problem with cheap mgt. I have no problem with their Dundee agreement to increase shareholder value that costs us nothing up front. I have no problem with Pat and Ursa sharing costs whenever possible be it cross lending of services to the other, sharing the receptionist and office. I have no problem w/ their Ric agreement - that's the only Pat I know.
But I can understand the frustration felt by shareholders when we so strongly feel we are worth more. You know, I can virtually guarantee we'll double in a month or two - but I'm not selling my Pat shares any time soon!!! What I will undertake to do is to take a lot of walks downtown next year and I'll wear my Patricia Mining cap doing them.