RE: Insider Ownership ..The fact is, insiders still hold a whack load of this company, despite some selling. Remember, this selling is also how they get compensated in addition to their salaries so don't get too excited. I like Jason Gigliotti since he is a former stock broker, and so knows how to increase shareholder value without diluting existing company stock. And he is heavily involved in branding and marketing HAO, which frankly, is lacking in many other public companies.
No matter what suspicions people have, the charts tell all. Big breakouts on high volume and contracted volume on pullbacks. For now, that equates into a technical winner.
Unfortunately, Jason's former experience as a Stock Broker does nothing to encourage me to get back in and hold-on for an indefinite period. If anything, in conjunction with the questionable information that the company has provided their investors (present and potential) to date, this resume entry will deter investments from many out there who are seeking substance for their money.
As it sits right now I equate the marketing from this company to be very similar to that of a junior airplane mechanic, who’s salary is docked for aircraft downtime, promising me his duct-tape repairs to the fuselage of my club’s airplane will be “ok” for my buddies and I to reach 3500M safely - after all we’re going to jump out anyway.
I’ve stated this before: The Company needs to provide material information to their investors. Mass-Marketing calls fueled with little more then promises backed by blind-trust are a deterrent to those seeking value for their dollar; Especially when Management is unloading their current shares and reloading with cheap options/warrants. Those that want to chance the ride in that duct-tape repaired plane might also want to check out the 2 for 1 deal on parachute rental. It’s a special promo from the mechanic’s hyper-active brothers who suffers from an illness that prevents a person from paying proper attention to detail.
To each their own jump. For mine I’ll gladly wait until the independent safety reports are out before trusting the mechanic or his brothers.