High5 ...FOOT PRINTS WAS WRITTEN BY MARGRET POWERSMARGRET POWERS WROTE OVER 2,000 POEMS AND THIS WAS ONE oF THEM..... Someone broke into her home and ended up stole them. Some of them to Hallmark Cards, not by her but other9S) ??????? So the unknown author lives in BC and travels the world with "their Christian Litle Ministries" ......puppet show, children story telling and puppet voicing has been seen and heard by thousands around the world. Suggestion: Read Margrets book "Foot Prints" for further insights of two miracles with hiking the golden ears mountain trip. She proved in court with letter writing to her mom that she is the true ownership of this and other poems and it was accepted. Her FOOTPRINTS short book has a great ending,..... a huge future for beleivers and others considering to become Christinas......Blessings high5 and other faithfuls ...Cheers B-Rider