RE: Take-overa) Wireless penetration Canada is behind the curve (ie rest of the world) so there is still lots of industry growth yet to come. Yes market is tight (but its been tighter), and TELUS definitely has high exposure to that growth (largest % wireless)… and history of success.
b) TV - huge market, even if the TELUS gets 10-20% of that, its big$ (I did not say they would get this growth, but the potential is sure there)
c) Eastern Canada.... TELUS still has huge potential in the Eastern Business markets (again its slow coming, but only because BELL is protecting its market like a vulture... often at a loss).... TELUS is still only 1/4 of the Telecom market looking to get some of the other 3/4... TELUS "potential" in Canada is much greater than Bell’s by virtue that it is smaller.
The question should not be potential, but performance... and that’s a different story (and actually a better one...) TELUS has so far done what it said it would do... actually for the most part exceeded it) and now with the labour issues behind them ... its to the moon
lots of potential and stellar past performance = a growth stock