Feasibility - kirkThe recently released feasibility study shows the following USD prices used in the report (col 1). I've compared them to the current spot prices col 2:
Nickel 5.48 6.76
Copper 1.34 2.28
Cobalt 20.05 ?
platinum 805.00 1050.00
palladium 225.00 300.00
gold 438.00 565.00
So there is a healthy margin of safety built into the feaibility study assumptions. Is it best to proceed w/ project approval when the current prices are near the top of cycle or to do it at the bottom of a metals pricing cycle? Maybe just be thankful that we are in a secular bull market for metals. That should make the decision easier.
kirk - do you know off hand if there is still drilling going on right now at Shakespeare and at Shining Tree?