Minor Points on PDAC PresentationI attended the Monday 4:30 presentation.
A few small but interesting things:
-a number of local people are working at the site, which helps with Provincial relations.
-Newmont is providing bulk mining expertise and other forms of technical assistance.
-potential use of hydro electric power gives Shore a significant cost advantage over the far north projects,
-they introduced Pieter Du Plessis (sp?) who is heading up the pre-feasibilty. He has mega-project experience from his experience in Botswana.
-the Bauer rigs are operating 24/7
-results from Cantuar may come prior to Pense, both of which will be worked with the west star. George expects their yield to equal or exceed EJF
-if all goes well, mine construction should commence in 2009-2010.
The diamonds were brought out with a police escort. They were a nice size, and in appearance looked like the rock salt I trampled on outside of the Metro Convention Centre!