Hello, Madbiker...First of all, let me say that your response to Ptarmigan was nicely structured. I appreciate your willingness to defend your decision and, by doing so, to contribute to the constructive dialogue on this thread. If selling a portion of your holdings makes sense for you, that's cool. But just remember that if you're wrong and the stock blasts off tomorrow, Ptarmigan and I are going to roast your sorry a*s like there's no tomorrow! (Grin)
As a sidenote, it's worth considering the previously mentioned possibility that the delays in reporting on the drill cores and bulk samples are simply caused by the sheer number of diamonds being counted in the caustic fusion process for the cores and by the desire on the part of Dianor management to get accurate findings from the DMS process for the mini-mini bulks.
The following are passages from two separate DOR press releases that could help explain the delays.
The first is from Nov. of 2005 and concerns the reporting of diamond counts from the first core samples shipped to Saskatchewan. "The only hindrance now to rapid turn-around is the length of time required to measure and describe the large number of diamonds liberated from the drill core samples as exemplified by the results from drill holes Chab. 05–08 and Chab. 05-09."
The second and, to me, more relevant quote comes from a Sept. 2005 press release dealing with the due diligence pit samples. "A full audit of the test work and diamond recovery was only undertaken on the sample from Pit#1, with the result that two additional diamonds (>1.18mm) were recovered. The audit of Pit#1 consisted of screening and re-crushing of the DMS tailings to minus 3mm and passing through the DMS plant a second time. The second pass tailings were dried, screened and subject to magnetic separation, grease tabling and x-ray sorting to recover any remaining diamonds. A total of 78 diamonds (76 diamonds were less than 0.85mm and two were greater than 1.18mm) were recovered during the auditing. Samples from Pit #4 and Pit #8 were not audited and therefore all available diamonds may not have been recovered." Note that 78 diamonds and TWO greater than 1.8mm were missed prior to the audit. Do you think Ryder is going to release any bulk samples without a thorough audit of every sample? I'm sure he knows that this time-consuming process could cause short-term instability for the stock, but in the long run, this kind of attention to detail and to the interests of shareholders is what we should all want from a CEO.