RE: ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTSThey give away almost nothing about what is going on at the company at present. Talk about a minimalist press release! No update about Tabakoto. The very little one can glean about the Mali operation is that they managed to spend a total of $46 million IN 2005 ALONE on a project which had a total capital spend projection of $45 million when it was started - and it is not finished yet. The grand total for the Mali plant was around $75 million at year-end. If they continue at the rate it was going in 2005 it is probably at $85-87 million by now and the cash still available on the balance sheet is below $14 million. Even if they get the new mine operational for the second quarter it is bound to suck up cash for at least another 3 months, whether capitalized or expensed. More bad news ahead.