GREY:CIMVF - Post by User
Post by
JayBeon Apr 18, 2006 12:34pm
Post# 10696456
From the DPH MD&A
From the DPH MD&AOn September 7, 2005 the Company announced the discovery of polymetallic gold-silver-copper-lead-
zinc mineralization on the property. Five holes had been drilled to test the eastern
edge of an induced polarization (IP) anomaly. A detailed geological description of the discovery
is contained in the Company's press release of September 7, 2005. It may be viewed on the
Company's website at or in the Company's information filings at
Based upon this discovery, on September 26, the joint venturers announced that they were
initiating a 5,000ft drilling program, which is intended to verify the width and strike length
(north to south) of the mineralization discovery. A geophysical survey conducted by Zonge
Geophysics in 2004 indicated that the target area might be up to1,200ft wide by 5,000ft long.
Drilling in this phase of the project was completed on March 16, 2006. Gradient Geophysics
Ltd., which conducted geophysical testing in January, 2006, has been re-engaged to do some
follow-up work. The Company?s geological team is preparing a comprehensive report on this
phase of the project in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators? requirements.
The Management Committee of the joint venture approved the next phase of the drilling program
which is to include three holes at a cost of up to US$300,000. The exact placement of the next
hole is being deferred until the analysis of the previous drilling is complete.
The management of Randsburg has indicated that, although things might change, at this time it
has not allocated any further money for the funding of exploration on the Elephant property in
2006. Accordingly, the Company must be prepared to fund 100% of any drilling activity which
is undertaken in 2006. The extent to which the Randsburg interest in the project will be diluted
for failure to meet funding requirements will be determined by the joint venture agreement.