Dreams Gone AwryMuch to the objection of my pigs, I threw in the towel on GAI yesterday and have realized that the boys have too much negative sentiment against them to be able to successfully get the warrants exercised. Good old RB tried and tried to buy up enough stock to move the market but the bag holders kept on throwing it at him. I myself capitulated at .19 . Didn't make enough to corner the caulk market but at a .05 profit per share, the pigs and I did manage to make enough to throw ourselves a nice little party though and perhaps silver plated troughs are in order. Think I'll get me a few more pigs too. Unlike GAI, they never let me down. Still, I did manage to make $ 25,000 and I have to thank RB and LK for the effort fruitless as it is.
Looks like LK is going to need to find someone to participate in a private placement in order to garner additional gratuities. Expect the O/S to get over 100,000,000 soon as @ .14 too many units will have to be offered to satisfy the needs of the boys. As for the bag holders, they must be really getting antsy. A bunch of worthless warrants attached to a bunch of private placement stock that was way overpaid for at .30. My guess is that the next annual meeting is going to be ugly.
Maybe the exchange will agree to lower warrant's the exercise price to .15 before they expire in six days. But then again maybe my pigs will learn to fly.