Getting Screwed Times Two.. address ?When I tendered my name and information to the list I made it very clear I was doing so with a firm restriction on personal expenses. The donation I would make would be a total of $20. I added in that registering email that if this was not of any help to remove me from the list. I got no response, but I did get the proceeding information. So I figure we have a deal at $20.
I'm trying to find the mailing address.
Maybe if it was posted on the board others who put their names on the list would send in $20. There are almost 100 names on that list, and if everyone put in $20 most of the cost would be covered.
As for those who offered $200, I can't speak for them. I can say for myself and others I know $20 was our maximum interest and $200 is way out of bounds for us!
Excuse me ... I hear my boss calling me again.
Retirement dreams fadded to asking... Would you like fries with that!
eagleman ( anyone wanna buy some hardly used golf clubs!