The bell has tolledIt's over. Ray has gone 2+ months and has not heard from Peter. He uses a number that is a cell phone for Peter and it does not even have voice mail. There is no physical address for Peter, no home phone, no office phone. Ray states that the lawyer had heard from Peter but the lawyer did not take down the return number. Either the lawyer is incomptent or he is under instructions to not provide Ray the number. I believe the latter and further believe Peter may be seeking advice from the lawyer as to whether he may face legal ramifications if he simply walks away from PLC responsibilities.
Ray states that he has heard rumour that Peter is involved in some way with a small advertising company in Toronto. Ray states that he has a suspicion that Peter is in Toronto. I have done a google search on many combinations and I cannot link Peter to any Toronto companies. If we could confirm that, or even find a specific company rumour, I would be glad to visit his ofice and ask for him. I certainly would like to see Peter answer for his incompetence.
The toll free number will be diconnected shortly, Ray cannot continue to pay for it and any "office" arrangements.
Hope you are all in good health.
Go Habs Go!