timing is everything...So stop watching for the pot to boil.. you need to have many pots on the stove so you can relax.. if you have one going you tend to have more patience for the others..
Here is my 2 bits of this deal.. have been in and out twice and made decent money each time.. got back in for the 3rd time lucky today..
so.. the good.. GOLD in general.. umm...this is a tough one.. market is great.. uh no.. it is nothing short of once in a lifetime.. so have faith.. look at the fundamentals of the dollar then gold.. then take a nap.. it looks good.. nothing on the horizon to change it.. as long as dumb and dumber are running the show south.. all should be good for gold.
mining stocks.. related to gold should do so good in the upcoming storm that you will have to pinch yourself to see if it is true.. stocks have not runup as much as gold.. still not many beleivers... read the CNN funny pages.. mostly advising everyone not to buy.. well someone is buying.. like all around the world..
the property.. good results with more extensive program coming.. so what more do you want..
NOW The BAD.. stock needs a better profile.. when you say Hedly.. not much sex in that.. so we need to get better spin.. more of the history..
and NOW the UGLY... the website.. who did that and with what crayon.. hey lets clean that up.. say $5,000 and you can have something you can be proud of.. and lose the link to some guy who is your promotional vehicle.. ala cheeesy.. even if da dude is smarter than the everyday dummy... tell him to post here like the rest of us jokers..
the rest of this jibberish has nothing specific to GCN.. but to do with gold in general..
according to the wise talking heads on CNBC and CNN.. we have been experiencing around 2% inflation for the past 10 years.. okay.. so home come a chevy pickup costs twice as much.. gas is 3 times.. and your house is at least double.. or do those small items not make the calculation.. who is doing the accounting.. the ENRON jokers..
or dumb and dumber.. we live in surreal times..
and lastly.. the spelling errors are intentional and for your entertainment and are not a reflection on my lack of ability to or my desire to care if I did it right.