Credit facilityJust pass threw document on Sedar, trying to understand the recent upward movement.
Fact number 1
Find that the binding agreement for the credit facility has been extend until June 13th and conditions remain the same.
Fact number 2
Form 51-101 Potential probable ressources of gas
Fact number 3
Lot of document now avaiable since May 1st
Personnaly, i think the upward movement is still there.
FO always retract when institution manage to catch cheap share (weak hand).Retract for around 1 or 2 hour and return to previous high.
Saw that reaction today , exactly like 2 weeks ago.
Will not be surprise to see new HIGH CLOSE tomorrow around 6.25
Probably again 2 or 3 days with small increase and another peak to new 52 week high.
Good luck friends