RE: CCH buyout ??? CCH buyout ???
RE: Does anyone ever think of the posibility of CCH being
bought out by Nuinsco in the future?
Is Nuinsco even in the financial position to do so?
I've seen wierd things happen over the last couple of years
and don't like to think of these scenario.
Anybody care to share their feelings towards this?
TR - it's a very sad story - i've have also seen to many
wierd banksterz crimez happen over the last couple of years
and don't like any of these - 666 - devilz scenarioz...
RE: Campbell Gold $715.88 per ounce -
but the banksterz can do what every crimez they want -
they steal and rob trillions from Christian pension funds -
only pay a million in fines for every 100 bil. they rob -
in best case if getting caught??? in 1 of 100z of casez -
they are on 100% killing anti-Christian - 666 - on missionz -
to destroy - The American Christian Society - in total
destruction of the economic for US & Can. -
the did destroy the Great Russia - introduced the
zbolshevikz - and killed 100 mil. Christians -
the are a killer machine of 666 - devilz - nothing else -
the have killed CCH to 99% already -
- for all Long Old Time CCH Shareholders it has been a very
long and painful suffering but i will be here to the end and
try to stop the 666 devilz to the last Christian -
Biggest Scam In History -
(speakers on )
Video Info - What is -
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve -
Btw. every fiatz$ of my sitting in Gold or Oil stocks -
the last place would be with a 666 anti-Christ bankzterz -
In God We Trust -
Bless Christ The Lord