Today is 6/6/6The universal symbol of evil. the Omen (remake) is being released today AND it's appropriate to mention given the name of the property we are talking about here ... Bolsa del DIABLO... loosely translated as Stockmarket of the Devil.
Now not being a fundamentalist or a roman catholic, I don't really believe that the little guy in the red suit carrying a pitch fork really exists. He/IT was in fact created to instill fear on the minions that God would reject them if they they didn't fall in line and be "good". complete and utter BS ... God rejects noone, in fact we are all one and the same ... but I digress.
Fear is the word of the day. the traders who sold last week are trying to instill fear in the masses here to dump their shares cheap so they can buy back. Those that didn't sell, perhaps wish they did, but didn't because they believe the company has the goods to become a major discovery. If you still believe it has the goods, why do you want to sell now at $.26? Is it any less likely to have the goods than it did last week?
Stocks go up and down, some have momentum and some don't. Blue chip momentum is much easier to guage but with juniors like PLE there's a lot of noise that comes in to play that can make momentum come and go as often as a hooker on Jarvis St. (or west hastings ... insert your cities strip in here).
All we are experiencing right now is noise. some have anticipated it and taken advantage, while many are holding and ignoring the noise. whatever direction you chose, now is NOT a good time to change direction (unless you've started buying back in).
I've chosen to ignore the noise