Sold my position todayWith all the jitters of a possible .5 basis point hike in interest rates and more hikes forseen. Also lots of talk now from analyst and investment circles that we could realisticly be looking at a bear market that will take ones by surprise. Ive heard the words that we may be heading for a TSX of 9000. Also lots of warning to get into cash. I'll take a break from ARG and stay with some defensive plays which pay 12% compounded interest dividends. I don't mind sitting on something paying me a constant stream of money but not a volotile equity that ARG tends to be. I like ARG and think this stock is way undervalued and extremely overpunished by the market, but thats the market. I'm happy to exit with a break even plus a dividend from ARG in the spring. Good luck on this one guys and hopefully my gut feeling is wrong about the market. I just had my fill of ARG, I think their are better plays out their then this one has to offer.