RE: Why isn't the stock moving?Because it is summer time!!
In a nut shell:
For the last 3 years, mining stocks decline in the summer and rebound in late summer and fall (paraphasing Mr.Roulston).
Great time to buy my friend.
Mr. Roulston wrote about FMM last night all we do is wait and see.
Hope this helps
I would suggest that you have a look at his product it is very good, saves lots of time and you make lots of money. As an example I bought FMM in the summer of 2004 at .65, I have sold some and bought more of other Roulston's picks and it goes on and on.
At the present time I am playing with over 60 of Mr.Roulston's picks. When they double I sell between half and all. Then Buy more of Roulstons picks or ishares (XTR and XDV great dividends).
Hope this helps, but who am I.......... do your own DD.
I am just one very please client, I would not have bought FMM if Mr. Roulston was not in business.
Cheers Beats