RE: Is DOR doing the same than SPQ and KWG Well
You are quite enw on this board ,I can see it
First I am far away from Toronto and a lot closer of WAWA , secondly I am not driving a Volvo but a old truck and I ma a little share holder as most of us in the mining busines for a long time , so with a little bit (to be modest) of knowledge of the field business.
My friend John has his own way to look at the business and he wants to be millionnaire in 2 years when he will be 55 , but he does not want at all to proceed as most of the company which keep their share holders informed of the montly development and keeping the interest growing . No he wants to wait and see the whole picture before really put his projects and thoughts on the table and consequently the way of doing things has the risk of loosing at the insvestors attractions and the possibilty of facing a no go when he will be ready but the insvestors would havegone in a other adventure .
Where is the web site ?, Every day a Q&As SHOULD BE posted with a permanent update of the activities , if it is so big and has nothing to hide information has to go out continually OTHERWISE ASSUMPTION WILL BE DONE THAT IT IS NOT SO GOOD AND GREAT , AND THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING RIGHT IN ASSUMPTION !!
The labs were all floaded a year ago and news and results were going out regularly . It may be the reason , but ''per se''keep the small guys informed , the way you want but do it John and Duval!!
They may not have the control but a greta influence on the up and down by doing or not doing info sharing .!!g