Some village has lost its #####So here we go again. AGM just around the corner and still nothing happening. Stock prices: July 04 at 65 cents, July 05 at 20 c, and now July 06 at 16.5 cents. Volume has been ZERO in 5 of the past few trading days. So, what has our leaders done in the last 6 months: essentially nothing! Raising a few hundred thousand dollars, re hiring a non performming IR person, drilling 2000 meters, is hardly 6 months work...maybe, 3 to 4 weeks! Oh yes, I forgot...Mike Taylor has given himself a raise to $72.3K, from $$57.2k. Nice one Mike ( a 26% increase, but no performance!!)
So if you get your proxies, providing SXL does not screw up as they did last year, please vote the directors and Taylor OUT. 2 years of poor management, and no leasership does not need to be re-hired.
If you go to the AGM, do NOT vote for the re-hiring of these useless individuals.