TSXV:MIX.H - Post by User
Comment by
WEHon Jul 19, 2006 12:49am
Post# 11101481
RE: Mutiny
RE: Mutiny
Great post. We need more dialogue like this. I for one think that Stan has a important place to fill however no one can be all things in all places. I have said in the past Stan is very good at getting properties. What we need is a second person that has the expertise to carry the front end of handling the PR and front office business contact. A person that has the capacity to promote confidence
and give, structure and developement on the market level. A salary of say about $150,000 shud be enough to cover both positions at the present time however THAT may not sit well with Stan. Getting back to the $111,000 salary shud not take long shud the right person be acquired it could be very short term. Getting someone with knowlegde in dealing with junior companies would be a very big asset for MIX.
"Maybe this talk of mutiny is a good thing. It shows we hope to grow past a one-man show to a bigger company that will have the capability to hire and fire CEOs etc.
I’d bet there are lots of days that Stan wishes we were."
I am sure that may well be the case some days.
"WEH if you get something/someone better then let me know".
Well it just so happens that there could be someone that could fit the bill and its NOT me so relax. Good people are hard to find so when they do come along there needs to be action taken.
It only takes 15,000,000 shares to make it a reality and less to make it an agreeable situation for all. Good management gets qualified people and they in turn make management look even better.