Huckleberry - Ore SupplyWith a proposed expansion of the existing ore body into more low grade material the mine will likely keep operating. Interesting to note the company has indicated it is searching for more feedstock "in the area".
I have been following a small exploration company which is operating very near to the Huckleberry mine. They have been drilling ( 6000 meters )to date on a property called Seel which has yeilded up an economic resource. It has been mapped by 3 D seismic and the maps of the resource are on the website.
A financing is likely to be announced this week and drilling of a 4000 meter infill and exploration program begin within the next four weeks.
The company is called GOLDREACH RESOURCES. 50 million fully diluted shares including the current financing if I have it right......the stock is at .08 cents.
It seems like a pretty interesting tie in with Imperial.